Looking for volunteers for Ninja/Little Dragon programs

With the restart of our fall program, we are in need of volunteers to help with our kids programs. If you have time and would like to volunteer as an assistant instructor for any of our kids classes please let Sensei Affleck or Sensei Lori know.
The greatest need is for Monday and Wednesday nights for our ninja and little dragon programs.
Thank you.

COVID vaccination records will be required for access to the dojo

In order to comply with the latest Health PEI COVID rules we will start to validate COVID vaccination status for both spectators and students aged 12+.
Given the class structure and the nature of Karate, students and coaches intermingle closely so we fall under the integrated gym rules where all spectators and students in attendance aged 12 and above need to be vaccinated.  We will maintain a register within the dojo so you will only need to show vaccination record once.  We will not maintain any further medical records.
Thank you for you patience as we work through this challenging time.
Sensei Affleck

Classes resume September 20

The fall term will restart on Monday Sept 20. Please note that all COVID safety precautions will be in place.  Face masks will be mandatory, and social distancing rules will be respected as well.
Looking forward to seeing everyone back in dojo.


Classes cancelled for week of Sept. 13

Due to the COVID outbreak in the Charlottetown area announced today, we will be cancelling classes this week for all ages to ensure that we all stay safe.

Please stay safe and continue your training at home this week.  We will post further updates regarding the restarting of classes here and on our Facebook page.